First Chapter First Paragraph

Diane at Bibliophile By the Sea asks us to share the first paragraph of a book we are reading. As you can see it’s called First Chapter, First Paragraph Tuesday. As readers we are often captivated or turned away by that first paragraph or two. Let’s see what you think about the first paragraph of my current read.

“I believe I’d like to stick my face right smack in the middle of your pie,” Sheriff Goat Jones said in his whiskey-over-gravel voice, causing Stella Hardesty to nearly drop the pan she was holding.

Instead, she glanced quickly around the kitchen to make sure they were alone and took a nervous step backwards, tripping over her mutt, Roxy, who was prowling for crumbs that might have fallen from the dinner dishes.

Those paragraphs are the first two in A Bad Day For Scandal by Sophie Littlefield. A month ago I attended a panel of mystery writers. The author was a member of the panel. She was so charming and humorous that I decided I had to read one of her books. I just started reading it. As you can see from the paragraphs above, it’s going to be a fun read.

What do you think? Would you keep reading the story?

About Margot

I'm also known as Joyfully Retired. I love to talk. I love to talk about books I've read, movies I've seen, places I've traveled to, people (especially my children and grandchildren), and Food. On the Quirky Girls Read blog I'm trying to read all the books that have won the major awards and then, of course, talk about them.
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6 Responses to First Chapter First Paragraph

  1. Oh, I would definitely keep reading! I already feel like giggling, just visualizing the scene. Thanks for sharing.


  2. Oh dear, poor Roxy mutt! Appears to be a book full of humorous mystery.

  3. Tracy says:

    This one sounds light and fun – and just fine if you need a break from reading something heavy.

  4. JoAnn says:

    That opening made me smile! Sounds like a good, light read.

  5. That made me smile – yes, I’d read on –enjoy Margo

  6. Oh what a delightful first paragraph! Of course I would keep reading!

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